Terra Mar Applied Sciences, LLC, conducts ecological and economic research in the public interest, then applies it creatively using principles of civic responsibility and environmental stewardship. We promote the highest standards of science application by relying on syntheses of high-quality, peer-reviewed research. Terra Mar insures that its clients achieve optimal outcomes for any of their environmental project and program needs. We specialize in seeking those inter-disciplinary solutions that will benefit all designated stakeholders. Terra Mar Applied Sciences, LLC, adopts safeguards for conflicts of interest and scientific integrity.
D-U-N-S#: 079256278
NAICS: 541620, 541690, 541720
CAGE Code: 846E0

How we can
Help You
Expert Peer Review
Terra Mar brings decades of rigorous peer review, in both individual and collaborative team settings. Our award-winning recognition with peer review services can assist you with adhering to standards of scientific and research integrity, promoting project transparency and accountability, and being most responsive to the needs of your particular stakeholders.
When it is time for you and your organization or business to make sound decisions using environmental research, we bring a synthetic, inter-disciplinary emphasis to help you evaluate the validity, quality, and originality of relevant science findings.
Training for Decision-making
How can we avoid the costly penalties from mental deception when making important decisions? Terra Mar now offers © Mind Management for Better Decisions, a 36-hour program to furnish individuals and work groups the strategic skills necessary to make accurate decisions in the business, professional, and personal realms.
Conservation Planning
Terra Mar will help you manage biodiversity data across the United States in policy or regulatory contexts, for decisions like land use planning, transportation infra-structure, lands management, or agricultural conservation programs.
We can help you apply this expertise to such issues as endangered species conservation, Habitat Conservation Plans, State Wildlife Action Plans, or the protection and restoration of tidal marshes affected by sea level rise. Our staff also can assist you with putting together green infrastructure plans to guide wind and other sustainable energy projects.
Research and Project Administration
Some answers sought for the proper courses of action can be secured only through logistically-challenging research programs. Terra Mar can help you plan administrative, program, or field project studies aimed at finding the right answers.
Which skill sets are most vital to project completion? What kind of project leadership or oversight is demanded? How much are negotiation, accountability, and transparency needed to insure project success? What are the key logistical considerations at your field sites or eco-tour destinations?
Ecosystem Services, Monitoring, and Evaluation
Terra Mar uses science-based policy and market solutions to create positive, sustainable connections for community, economic, and ecosystem health. We can enumerate ecosystem service values, as driven by such factors as climate change, land and resource management, or water quality improvement.
We evaluate economic development as a function of land stewardship. Our strength is in helping clients to understand ecological, economic and policy systems, and to design and execute high-leverage, strategic research to guide and advance policy or development solutions.
Conservation Photography and Ecotourism
Research for the public interest can benefit many sectors of society. One means to increase these benefits is through public education that results from responsible ecotourism, sustainable nature travel, and even conservation photography.
Terra Mar's bilingual experts can help you with various ecotourism and nature photography needs. Terra Mar particularly helps clients to design and then guide responsible, sustainable conservation and wildlife travel. For a few examples of our professional photographs, just follow the "Learn More" button below.